Poker Rules Mucked Hand

admin  4/4/2022

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Other Poker Game’s Rules:

Learning how to play poker should not be difficult. If you want to understand why so many people love this game, this beginner's guide to the rules and the basics of poker is all you need.

Poker is a simple game to learn, but the poker rules can be challenging for a complete beginner.

But don't let that put you off. It is not hard to learn how to play poker, and you can move from the basics of the game to the tables of the top online poker sites in no time.

Here's everything you'll learn in this guide on how to play poker:

  1. And lots more

Before you move to the 'practical' side of this guide on how to play the most popular variants of this game, you need to learn the basics of poker.

The above rules are provided by 'Robert's Rules of Poker' which is authored by Robert Ciaffone, better known in the poker world as Bob Ciaffone, a leading authority on cardroom rules. He has done extensive work on rules for the Las Vegas Hilton, The Mirage, and Hollywood Park Casino, and assisted many other cardrooms.

A hand mucked is dead. But, if someone folded their hand due to another person's mistake and there is no question about which cards belonged to the player then the hand may be ruled to be alive. A hand mixed with another players hand is ruled to be mucked. Dead Button - Small blind busts out. Players may wish to remove cards from the muck in an attempt to cheat, either by peeking to see which cards are out of play, or more blatantly, by attempting to incorporate previously mucked cards into their live hands. Although rules vary from poker room to poker room, the muck is often considered a point of no return.

When most people say they want to know 'how to play regular poker,' they imply that they want to learn the basics of Texas Hold'em.

Texas Hold'em is (by far) the most popular poker game out there and it's the one you find at every online poker site.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. With so many poker variants to play online and offline, the only proper guide on how to play poker for dummies is the one that gets you access to all the best games out there.

Not just to the most famous one.

Many poker rules are consistent from game to game, although among the dozens of variants such as Texas hold'em, Omaha, and seven-card stud you will find some ket differences you need to kno.

Let's have a quick look at the poker rules of the most played poker games online:

How to Play Texas Hold'Em

GameTexas Hold'em
How Many Players2-10
Poker RulesHow to play Texas hold'em

Also called the 'Cadillac of Poker,' Texas hold'em is the one you are going to play over and over again.

This is the most popular poker game online and it is also the one you are most likely to play with our friends in your next home game.

Whether you play it in the form of a tournament or as a ring-game, the basic poker rules and the hand rankings don't change.

> Discover how to play Texas Hold'em

How to Play Omaha Poker

GameOmaha Poker
How Many Players2-10
Poker RulesHow to play Omaha
Where to PlayTop poker sites

The second-most popular poker variant. Omaha poker finds its roots in the game of Texas Hold'em, although the rules of the two games are slightly different from each other.

Many players find learning how to play poker Omaha to be the natural step to take after they have successfully mastered the basics of Texas Hold'em.

In the poker rules page dedicated to the game, you find the perfect beginner's guide to moving your first steps in the world of Omaha.

> Learn how to play Omaha poker

How to Play Seven-Card Stud

GameSeven-Card Stud
How Many Players2-8
Poker RulesHow to play 7-card Stud
Where to PlayTop poker sites

Before Texas hold'em became king, anyone who wanted to learn the basic poker rules and how to play poker had to go through the game of seven-card stud.

As the name suggests, this is a variant of stud poker. 7-card stud is also the 'S' game in the H.O.R.S.E. poker — but if you are still learning how to play poker, it's probably too early for you to jump on that.

> Discover how to play seven-card stud poker

Other Poker Rules to Learn

If you want to go deeper and you want to learn how to play even more poker games, PokerNews is the right site for you.

Pick one poker variant to learn from the list that follows and find out how to play some of the most exciting and lesser-known poker games out there!

Use these guides to learn how to play poker and master not only the most 'obvious' games like Texas hold'em bu also all the other different variants out there.

In our guides for beginners, you find the official poker rules, the basic strategy tips, and the hand rankings — because knowing how to calculate points is key if you want to win at poker.

Common Traits of Most Poker Rules

The Value of Poker Hands

One element used in most poker variants is the system of hand rankings.

The highest ranked hand is a Royal Flush (five cards of the same suit, ranked ace through ten), followed by a Straight Flush (five cards of the same suit of consecutive ranks).

The third-best combination is the Four-of-a-kind, which is then followed by the Full House (three of a kind plus one pair), the Flush, the Straight, the Three-of-a-kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card or no pair.

When a hand reaches the showdown, the player with the highest-ranked hand wins the pot.

Poker Rules Mucked Handbook

That's true of Texas hold'em, pot-limit Omaha, seven-card stud, and five-card draw.

Of course, in 'lowball' games like razz or deuce-to-seven triple draw, the hand rankings are turned upside down and the 'worst' hand according to traditional hand rankings is the winning one.

Poker Hands Ranking

  • Royal Flush10JQKA
  • Straight
  • Four Of
    A Kind
  • Full HouseJJJKK
  • Flush2459K
  • StraightA2345
  • Three Of
    A Kind
  • Two Pair499KK
  • One Pair3QK1010
  • High Card248QK
Poker Download as PDF / ImageImage

Suggested Readings

  • Poker Hands Chart: The official classification of all poker hands with a free pdf to download and print.
  • What Beats What in Poker: the perfect starting guide to learn how to count points in poker and discover the real value of each hand.

Blinds and Ante Bets

Games like hold'em and Omaha feature small and big blinds, so called because they are 'blind' bets players have to make before they are dealt any cards.

Meanwhile stud games usually use 'antes', which also involve players putting chips in the middle before the hand begins.


From there players bet more as the hand progresses, thereby creating larger pots.

Limit vs. No Limit Poker Games

Some games are played with no-limit betting, which means players can bet as much as they like at any point in the hand, including going 'all in.'

Pot-limit betting means that the current size of the pot creates an upper limit on how much a player can bet.

Games that are played with fixed-limit betting have predetermined amounts from which players cannot vary when they make their bets and raises.

The Action

There are other terms that tend to be used in all different poker games, including many having to do with the actions you perform when playing.

When the action is on you, you can:

  • Check: Decline to bet
  • Fold: Withdraw from the hand, if someone else has bet already
  • Bet: Place a wager on the table
  • Raise: Add more chips by matching your opponent's bet and putting in a greater amount.
  • Call: Match the bet of your opponents to stay in the hand and continue to play.

All of those terms are an important step in your journey to learn how to play poker since they tend to come up in all poker variants.

The Betting Rounds

In games with community cards like hold'em and Omaha (also sometimes called 'flop games'), the betting rounds are referred to as:

  • Preflop: The bets made before any community cards are dealt
  • Flop: The bets made after the first three community cards are dealt)
  • Turn: The bets made after the fourth community card
  • River The bets made after the fifth and last community card.

Suggested Readings

  • How to bet in poker: a beginner's guide to betting in Texas hold'em.
  • Texas hold'em betting tips: This short article gives you some actionable tips to learn how to play poker with your stack of chips.

The Table Stakes

One other poker rule common to just about every variant of the you'll play – whether you are playing live poker or online poker – is one called 'table stakes.'

Table stakes means that once a hand begins, you can only bet whatever amount you had on the table to begin the hand and are not allowed to add anything more during the hand as it plays out.

If you only have $100 on the table to begin a hand, you can't pull out your wallet and add more halfway through the hand – you can only play out the hand with whatever you had to start.

Practice Poker Online for Free

Now that you know the basic poker rules and you have links to go back to your poker guides when you need to, it's time to look for the best websites to practice poker online.

Don't start to play poker for real money right away. Try out the games for free first. That's the only way to discover if you have really learned how to play poker.

Looking for a site to practice online poker for free?

Don't miss the updated list of the best free poker sites in 2020!

There are countless options to give the game a test run, but the best way is to try out the real deal.

Sign up for a poker account with one of the big online poker rooms and give the freerolls a try.

That way, you can practice poker online without any risk; you're not wagering any money.

And if you want to try out cash games instead of tournaments, all major poker sites online have so-called play money tables.

That way you can practice the game, learn the rules, and figure out how the software works, readying yourself for the big stage.

Register a free gaming account and test your poker knowledge in the next freeroll!


You battled your way through the flop, turn, and river. You made it to the showdown. Should you muck or show?

For most of us, this is one of the easiest decisions to make in poker. All relevant information is available. If you are first to act it is custom to show your hand. If your opponent shows his hand first you show when you have him beat and muck if not. But sometimes strange things happen. I will discuss some of these situations I encountered during my play.

When you are in a big pot at showdown you shouldn’t throw your hand away too quickly.

I came to this when I was playing a €1/2 NLH poker game in Holland Casino Rotterdam. An Inexperienced Guy (IG) had ace-king heads up and the flop was ace-jack-six with two hearts. His opponent (OP) bets the flop and IG calls. Turn is the . OP bets, IG calls. River is the . Now opponent goes all in. Apparently IG thinks OP is bluffing because he calls the €200 bet. OP very calmly and looking very confidant turns over a red king-queen. IG looks at it in disgust and throws his hand away. The rest of the table looks in disbelief at IG who throws his hand away. You call €200 and can’t beat king high? Apparently OP had the and and was bluffing after all. IG made a good call. But IG only saw the two red cards and his mind made it into a rivered flush, thinking they were both hearts.

What can we learn from this? Simple, if you call a big river bet you make damn sure you take a good look at your opponents hand twice before you decide you have lost and throw your hand away. And when you are still not sure if you have won or lost (because you are drunk, blind or stupid) don’t throw away your hand, show it and let the dealer sort it out.

Some people bluff on the river and throw away their hand when they get called. You should never do this!

Some aggressive players try to steal the pot on the river. They missed their draw or were bluffing every street. Anyway, they’ve got nothing to show for at the river. Hoping you have a weak hand also, they make a big bet in an attempt to steal the pot. If they get called they prefer not to show their hands and muck. Their opponent wins the pot without even having to show his or her hand either. There are a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t do this.

First of all, because this can easily be exploited by experienced players. When they notice you do this, they will call you down with any hand when they think you are bluffing just for the big change you will throw your hand away. That way they win even when they also have nothing.

Furthermore, sometimes people call you down with ace high if they think you are bluffing. You might think you are bluffing but still win the hand. For example, you have ace-two and the board is {2x3x4xJx9x} and your opponent calls you down with ace-king, thinking his hand is best.

Poker Rules Mucked Handout

In addition showing a bluff can be good for you if you have a tight image. If your opponents see that you are capable of bluffing they might call you down the next time you have the nuts.

Poker Rules Mucking Cards


Also, you miss out on some important information. You would like to know what kind of hand your opponent called you with. Did he have the nuts or just an average showdown hand? If he had the nuts, maybe you should bluff more against this player. If he had an average showdown hand you should bluff less against this player and bet for value more often when you have a big hand.

Poker Rules Mucked Hands

Lastly, it is kind of rude to not show your hand after you have been called. If your opponent has the guts to call you at showdown he deserves to see your hand. Don’t be a jerk and show some respect. After all, poker is a social game.

This article was written by one of our community members as part of the PN Blog. The thoughts, opinions, and strategy are those of the user only and do not necessarily reflect the positions of PokerNews. We appreciate your feedback, but ask that you be respectful of our PN Blog users who have generously donated their time. You can learn more about the PN Blog here.